Mick & David Easterby: Racing Syndicates and Racehorse Ownership

Some musings on life

Some musings on life

When I've seen the news on the television of late I have found it very concerning. I can't help but worry about where it's all going. Every morning there's reports of stabbings and shootings and there doesn't appear to be a sensible head anywhere that can come up with a solution.

I have always maintained that one of the problems is that some people are bored. Boredom is a dangerous thing. Many young people have no idea what to do with their time. They get their money far too easy and it makes them lazy. They don't want to learn any skills, because they don't need to as they get money for doing nothing.

Then there's the impact of the television.

Violence and stabbings and shootings are part of so many television programmes that people are no longer shocked by them, they think it's part of everyday life. They think that's how people behave, and so that's how it's turned out. Violence doesn't shock anybody anymore. Instead it entertains them.

I was once young and wild. I would get up to all sorts of things, I'd go out every single night and I'd be up for work the next morning and I'd never ever pretend I was sick. I knew where to draw the line. And it was a long way from where it's drawn by many today. It comes back full circle to boredom.

I also think that urbanisation has also caused it's problems. There are some folk in the cities who have no idea where a chicken nugget or a beef burger come from. They haven't ever been to the countryside and they don't even know what a farm looks like. They have no education about life whatsoever.

How can you solve these issues? The politicians clearly can't.

I think compulsory skills training is a way forward. A year on a farm, a year working in agriculture, a year learning about where food comes from and the countryside. Let them see how chickens and cows are raised. Let them see an agricultural year where crops are sown and grown, and harvested, and sold. A more rounded education about life can only help, rather than letting young people sit on their backsides playing games on their computers and phones and wasting their lives.

I grew up at a time where you didn't have time to be bored. If you lived in the countryside you worked and you earned a living and you made your own entertainment. I don't ever once remember being bored in my entire life.

I should add that there's a new prison being built up the road at Full Sutton.

And I think they're going to need it.

Posted: Thursday 04 April 2019

© M & D Easterby Racing